
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  April 15  2001    11: 08 AM

Sovereign Corporations
California banned a methanol-based gasoline additive, MTBE, after the EPA reported potential cancer risks and at least 10,000 groundwater sites were found polluted by the substance. Methanex of Vancouver, British Columbia, the world's largest methanol producer, filed a $970 million claim against the United States. If the NAFTA panel rules for the company, many similar complaints are expected, since at least ten other states followed California's lead. The federal government would have to pay the awards. California State Senator Sheila Kuehl and others have asked the US Trade Representative to explain how this squares with a state's sovereign right to protect health and the environment.

The bushies (corporate america) are busy reducing the size of government. Are they doing this to get government off the backs of the people? How altruistic. Not! They are doing it to get government off the backs of the corporations. To replace rule of the people with rule of the shareholder. Government of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation.

Goodby health. Goodby environment.

Thanks to wood s lot