
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  July 10  2001    10: 54 PM

Work work work work work work.
Just trying to catch up. The audio is up for last night's TestingTesting. Steve and Joanne were giving a going away party for Svenja, the foreign exchange student that had spent the past school year with them, so they couldn't make it but Barton brought his guitar and it turned out to be a wonderful show. Rick Aydelotte, the special guest, didn't pull into the driveway until 7 o'clock when the show was supposed to be starting. I had seen his van drive by 20 minutes earlier. He was looking for 1159 instead of 1195. It only took about 2 minutes for him to walk in the door, unpack his guitar and banjo, and do the sound check which became the opening song for the show. Great fun for all.

Derek's words at the opening of the show when Rick asked about the format of the show: "The format? Actually, we've come to listen and maybe tinker along if we can. The format is very loose. It's exactly what it is - in the living room."

And at the end of the show you can hear Derek again: " That's what we do. I mean, that's actually the essence of it: goofing off."

Well, it was some great goofing off!

Hot sport news! Lance Armstrong is 7th, 21 seconds back after 3 stages of the Tour de France. Only 18 stages left. And some little mountains.