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  Monday  August 20  2001    09: 02 AM


Corporate Irresponsibility? Predatory Behavior? Blame the Charter -- and Rewrite it

But the corporate form that emerged from the 19th century is essentially an engine of appetite. It takes the romantic individualism of that era and transplants it into an institutional machinery geared exclusively to self-enhancement, without regard to implications for the context in which it grows. That is a definition of a cancer; and while it didn't seem to matter much in the 19th century -- so much space to conquer, so many resources to tap -- today that is no longer the case.

On a larger scale, the implications of genetic engineering, global warming and the rest push the boundaries of human life itself. In conventional economic terms, the externalities of corporate enterprise are starting to outweigh the internalities -- the negative side effects of production and consumption are becoming larger than the presumed benefits to the parties immediately involved. Yet the corporation has evolved to maximize such externalities; when it shifts costs onto the social structure or the environment, then its own bottom line increases.

thanks to also not found in nature