
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  September 26  2001    10: 55 AM

Hawks gang up against Powell

The political consensus over the September 11 attacks has begun to fracture in Washington with mounting criticism of Colin Powell by prominent conservative hawks.

Dissent, Anyone?

You don't have to be a head-in-the-sand, Imagine-singing, America-hating leftist to be worried about the cracking down on political dissent -- and even harmless speech -- that has occurred in this country since September 11. The California Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee, the lone representative to vote "nay" on a resolution authorizing the use of force, later received death threats. And now a slew of incidents further suggest a dark underside to our near-unanimous flag-waving and monolithic support for George W. Bush.

The Wartime Opportunists

Corporate interests and their proxies are looking to exploit the September 11 tragedy to advance a self-serving agenda that has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with corporate profits and dangerous ideologies.

all thanks to SmirkingChimp.com