
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  September 27  2001    05: 08 PM

Zoe has brought to my attention that I have been focusing on what is wrong without really focusing on what I feel is right. She feels that, in our own small ways, we need to imagine what we want the world to be for it to happen and she wasn't sure, from reading this web log, what I imagined. Here are some of the things that I imagine.

I imagine an Israel that is not afraid. An Israel where people can walk down a street without fear of personal safety. An Israel that is not threatened by its neighbors.

I imagine a Palestine where the people can have their own country, choose their own leaders, and control their own lives. A Palestine where people can build a home and raise their children without fear.

I imagine an Afghanistan where women can walk in public showing their faces and go to school. An Afghanistan where children can play without worrying about land mines.

I imagine an Iraq where there is enough food and medicine for all.

I imagine a Belfast where Catholic children can go to school safely.

I imagine corporations that pay as much respect to the human line as they do to the bottom line.

I imagine a world that has clean water to drink and clear air to breathe.

I imagine a world that respects America for its generosity and does not fear it for its arrogance.

I imagine my children raising their children in a world where these things are no longer imaginations.