
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  October 4  2001    10: 21 AM

A couple of quick ones. I'm under a deadline to get a poster out for a TestingTesting concert coming up. More on that soon.

Let's start by doing some thinking
by Molly Ivins

Back from a month in Europe, I meant to begin by suggesting it's time to start thinking outside the box. Then I got back to Texas. The sign outside our neighborhood strip joint says, "Hot Babes, Cold Beer, Nuke 'Em, GW." Actually, let's start by thinking.

Molly's back!

A great site that takes a critical look at some of the blathering going on:

Countering rhetoric with reason.

Spinsanity exposes and analyzes the increasingly pervasive use of manipulative and subrational rhetoric in American politics.