The following analysis is the product of DSSi’s strategic analysis team using scenario planning to make sense of the current situation and the ‘war on terrorism.’ During the course of exploring future scenarios, past events acquired meaning, and the direction of the conflict as desired by Al-Qaida began to make sense.
Because of national security implications for the U.S., this material is being made available to assist the public in understanding the significance of the unfolding events. While the terrorist attacks of 11 September, 2001 were horrific, the consequences of success for Al-Qaida in their probable objective have the potential to destroy much of what are considered the benefits and functions of industrialized Nation-States.
Taking Osama bin Laden at his word, that he wants the U.S. out of the Middle East, and his desire for the destruction of the West, the stakes are greater even than massive fatalities by terrorist attack. That such ambitions are achievable were part of the conclusions of DSSi scenarios. [end game]
thanks to MetaFilter