
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  November 21  2001    11: 52 AM

Rushing around getting some work on a couple of web sites done before seeing family tomorrow. So much to blog and so little time.

I'm a freelance web designer. As such, it's difficult to have a stable work schedule. It seems that clients conspire to not get information to me at the same time leaving me with a lot of time on my hands (good for blogging) and, when I get used to that, they get the information to me all at once leaving me to run around like a chicken with the head cut off.

As soon as I get these two projects done I will be converting this blog over to Movable Type. It like the way it handles links to individual posts. Greymatter creates pages for each post while Movable Type, like Blogger, uses internal page links. This didn't use to be a problem but others are linking to my comments and Movable Type will make it easer for all.

Many thanks to Noah Grey for Greymatter, which provided a way to blog that I have more control over. I don't like having to depend on other's servers. That was the problem I had with Blogger. For many valid personal reasons, Noah isn't updating Greymatter but I need better functionality. Noah's love isn't programming, it's photography. We should all be spending our energies doing what we love. Noah is. You can buy his prints too.