
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  December 30  2001    06: 34 PM

thanks to boingboing

The War Against Some Terrorists

The New Delhi Order
Why can't India have a war on terrorism, too?

US missile shortage delays Iraq strike

thanks to Cursor

I remain, sir, Haggard of the Hindu Kush
Never mind the needless deaths, we've only succeeded in making bin Laden a shadow of his former self
by Terry Jones

thanks to Blowback

No Plans in Place to Deal with Drying Up of Oceans, Giant Moon Explosion, Or Potential for Everyone to Be Pecked to Death Like in "The Birds"


There is dissent in Israel.

Sons and mothers vs. sacred cows

"Many women in the peace camp would be pleased if their children refused to serve in combat units," says Smadar Nehab. "I've been blessed by a son who has chosen not to serve in the territories. This is the strongest possible statement against the occupation. My son, Matan, is a patriot. He prefers not to serve there so that the state will continue to be able to exist."
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Israelis Bring Help to Arabs in a Village Under Siege

Hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians met at the barricades outside this embattled village today, but instead of bullets and stones the air was filled with hands lifting sacks of rice, bags of sugar and jugs of cooking oil.
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Poll: Israeli Arabs see violence on both sides as terror

Most Israeli Arabs see both Israeli violence against Palestinian civilians and Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens as acts of terror, according to a survey published Sunday. This marks them out from both Arab residents of the West Bank and Gaza, as well as Jewish Israelis, the survey shows.
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Quality and inequality
Our moral responsibility to each other has never been clearer.Yet, says Zygmunt Bauman, our ability to act globally for the common good lags far behind

In the US 10 years ago, the income of company directors was 42 times higher than that of the blue- collar workers; it is now 419 times higher; 95% of the surplus of $1,100bn generated between 1979 and 1999 has been appropriated and consumed by 5% of Americans. What happens inside every single society occurs as well in the global sphere - though on a much magnified scale. While the worldwide consumption of goods and services was in 1997 twice as large as in 1975 and has multiplied since 1950 by a factor of six, 1bn people, according to a recent UN report, "cannot satisfy even their elementary needs".
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thanks to also not found in nature