
Weblog Archives

  Monday  February 11  2002    12: 13 AM

Ronald Reagan—War Criminal

Not Too Late for a War Crimes Tribunal
He turns 91 this week, so it’s possible Ronald Reagan can’t remember. But Jim Washburn can’t forget

But when you talk about canonizing him, you can go suck a sprinkler head. Ronald Reagan may have been a likable guy—even in the White House, he answered his fan mail, sometimes enclosing a check to a citizen going through hard times—but his administration was also flat-out the most anti-democratic, hoodwinking, lying, Constitution-flouting, despot-coddling, rich-enriching, deficit-building, environment-despoiling, health-endangering, paranoid, cynical and fundamentally corrupt one in our nation’s history. Name a strip mine for it if you must, but no monuments, please.
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This a long piece—a must read. As I read it, I kept thinking I was reading about Bush II. It's a reminder of the attrocities, National and International, committed under Reagan.

thanks to the bitter shack of resentment