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  Wednesday  February 20  2002    12: 46 AM

Right Wing Myths

Shades of Purple - the Myth of the Red and the Blue America

In a now-infamous opinion piece titled "America at War", Andrew Sullivan wrote on 09/16/01:

The terrorists have done the rest. The middle part of the country - the great red zone that voted for Bush - is clearly ready for war. The decadent left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead - and may well mount a fifth column.

The "great red zone"? "Enclaves on the coasts"? Such homeopathic dilutions of facts in a solvent of virtually pure bullshit could safely be ignored as not even worthy of refutation. That is, if the myth of the "great red heartland" had not become a fact among the dittoheads of the loony right, a "fact" that is being used to legitimize the illegitimate presidency of George W. Bush.

It is therefore necessary to replace that artificial red-blue map that was obtained by rounding 49% down to zero and 50% to one hundred by a more accurate map that reflects how the voters actually voted. I have created such a map by simply mixing red, blue and green for each state, with the ratios equal to the percentage that Bush, Gore and Nader received in the 2000 election.
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