Two Bright Shiny Things
I get so easily distracted by bright shiny things.
I am blown away by WinStep. I find it a much better way to organize the desktop. It's not just about the cool themes. The way they set the dock up and let you modify it is *really* nice. At least it works for me. I'm still exploring all of it's functionality. I spent to much time today playing with it. Did I say it's *really* nice? It's so liberating setting the desktop up the way I want it. And getting rid of all those annoying icons that Bill won't let me delete. Fuck you Bill!
The other bright shiny thing that has been a distraction is American Samizdat. It's an invitational blog hosted by the esteemed Dr. Menlo. He sends out invites to other bloggers that gives them access to add posts to American Samizdat. No instructions. No rules. Just access. Have a good time!
I was invited tonight. My first post at American Samizdat.
What the hell is a Samizdat, Americian or otherwise, you say?
Main Entry: sa.miz.dat Pronunciation: 'sä-mEz-"dät Function: noun Etymology: Russian, from sam- self- + izdatel'stvo publishing house Date: 1967 : a system in the U.S.S.R. and countries within its orbit by which government- suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed; also : such literature
thanks to Higgy's page
Or, as the esteemed Dr. Menlo puts it:
As title implies: underground word lines especially needed by progit-heavy U.S
I need to add American Samizdat, as well as several other blogs, to my links on the left and I have lot's of other links to share, but I'm going to bed. Say "Goodnight Gordy!" |