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  Tuesday  February 26  2002    11: 41 PM


The nuclear fire that destroyed Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, is still burning.

A Japanese man named Tatsuo Yamamato collected embers from the wreckage after the United States dropped the atom bomb at the end of World War II. From those embers, the story goes, he and his grandmother fanned a flame and tended it for years in the family's Buddhist altar. In 1968, the fire was used to start the Peace Monument Flame in Hoshino, Japan.

Carried by peace activists in the 2002 Hiroshima Flame Interfaith Pilgrimage, a flame from that fire has crossed the Pacific and is now making a trek from Seattle to New York City, according to an Internet site dedicated to the pilgrimage. It will pass through Los Alamos and White Rock today and then on to local pueblos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque later this week.
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