
Weblog Archives

  Friday  March 1  2002    11: 16 AM


Israeli Forces Storm Into 2 Palestinian Refugee Camps
Mideast: Fierce combat in West Bank kills at least 14. First such incursion of the conflict seeks to break militant strongholds.

Backed by tanks and helicopters, Israeli forces waged a major, risky assault on two Palestinian refugee camps Thursday, conducting house-to- house searches and battling gunmen who vowed to fight to the death.

The mission to break Palestinian militant strongholds marked the first time in years that Israel had invaded a refugee camp, and it triggered some of the fiercest combat yet in 17 months of conflict.
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Typical Sharon. As soon as the Palestinians and Arabs start talking peace, with an actual plan, Sharon escalates the violence to an even higher level.

The Israelis complain that the schools in Palestine are teaching the children to hate Jews. The Israelis should clean up their own racism before complaining about others.

Israeli Textbooks and Children’s Literature Promote Racism and Hatred Toward Palestinians and Arabs

Israeli school textbooks as well as children’s storybooks, according to recent academic studies and surveys, portray Palestinians and Arabs as “murderers,” “rioters,” “suspicious,” and generally backward and unproductive. Direct delegitimization and negative stereotyping of Palestinians and Arabs are the rule rather than the exception in Israeli schoolbooks.
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