
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  March 7  2002    02: 13 AM


Cellblock Visions
Prison Art in America

Phyllis Kornfield's book, Cellblock Visions, is a lively collection of inmate artwork, created behind bars, from county jail to death row – the alternative artworld flourishing today in American prisons. Men and women inmates, having no previous training, turn to art for a sense of self-worth, an opportunity to vent rage, a way to find peace.They transcend the cramped space, limited light, and narrow vistas of their prison studios. They triumph over security bans with ingenious resourcefulness - extracting color from shampoo – making paint out of M & Ms – weaving with cigarette wrappers. (...)

Dominic Vincenzo "Released by Death" toilet paper, acrylics

Released by Death is stamped on an inmate’s final papers when the prison sends out his dead body. This old con secured his own release by overdosing on drugs. He goes out, at ease, listening to music on his walkman.
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thanks to Andrew Abb at American Samizdat

Read this one quickly too—they rotate their articles and don't archive—really a bummer.

West of Eden
Scott Greene: Complex Intentions in a Spirit of Romanticism

In West of Eden, painter Scott Greene makes use of 19th century Romanticism to challenge the ambiguities inherent in our contemporary (American) human experience. Often witty, sometimes tragic, Greene creates a language of illusion that gives new context and meaning to notions of beauty in relation to nature.

Nomad Cow
oil on canvas 20.5" x 28"

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Scott Greene has a site that should be around longer.

Scott Greene - Recent Paintings

Catching the Light


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thanks to consumption.org