
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  April 20  2002    12: 13 AM


My filing system has been failing me lately so I spent most of the day rearranging piles. One of my first entries in this blog was about a similar experience so I repeat it here.

I use a chronological filing system. Some call this a pile. Piles have certain fail-safe characteristics. They can only get so high before they fall over. That is when I move to multipile piles also known as RAP or Random Access Piles. When you move your office these piles are put into boxes. The pile in a box is known as the Archive. This is when having a small office comes in handy.

Parkinson's Law
This is also where C. Northcote Parkinson comes in. I read him too many years ago. Parkinson's Law, briefly stated, is that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Maybe you've noticed that somewhere. Some things don't change. But Parkinson's Law has many corollaries. One of them is piles multiply so as to fill the space available.

Today my DRS (Data Retrieval System) failed and, to find something, the piles had to go. Pile catharsis. I deleted and defragged piles.