
Weblog Archives

  Friday  May 24  2002    02: 08 AM


DISPATCH: The Tyranny of the Unimaginative

If you think the creep of invisible censorship won't affect you, think again. The private control of so many of the tools of communication has made insidious forms of censorship commonplace. Just this week Google took exception to me expressing my personal opinion about a news event and suspended my ad campaign on their site. As of today, when you type in the words "Anita+Roddick" into the Google search engine, you won't find AnitaRoddick.com until the ninth or tenth page of search results. I am virtually invisible.

Yet again, I said something that makes people nervous. The truth tends to do that. This time, it's a comment I made on my website about the apparently homicidal actor John Malkovich which has caused the world's leading search engine to refuse to run ads for AnitaRoddick.com.

It began on Monday when I posted a short comment on this site about Malkovich's public threat to shoot Scottish MP George Galloway and Independent reporter Robert Fisk. In that three-sentence notice, I called Malkovich a "vomitous worm."
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thanks to the bitter shack of resentment