
Weblog Archives

  Friday  June 21  2002    03: 04 PM

Here comes the sun

Since this is the longest day of the year, it means the most sun for the day (cloud cover notwithstanding but the sun is out today here in the Great Northwet.) So here are a couple of sun links from Mr. Cieciel at Spitting Image.

Loops on the Rim of the Sun
I liked the title of this article. Simple words to describe an object: (the sun is an object), a universally experienced, responsible for all living things type-object. Which until images like this were produced all but defied description. Everything we, meaning the non-scientists among us, could say about the sun consisted of variations on 'round', 'hot' & 'rays'. Now we have loops on a rim. (their gaseous nature is a bonus for the easily amused). I was also impressed with their 'twanging' vibrational energy.
Posted by Mr. Cieciel

Loops on the rim of the Sun

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Huge Loops Of Hot Gas Vibrate During Storms On Sun

Huge loops of very hot gas rising above the Sun's surface vibrate with enormous energy at times of solar storms.

This is the latest surprise from ESA's flotilla of spacecraft -- SOHO, Ulysses and the four Cluster satellites -- with which scientists are trying to make sense of how disturbances on the Sun affect the Earth.
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