
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  July 18  2002    01: 55 AM


Greg Palast On Globalization

Lloyd Hart: So there is a new word around these days. Maybe you could define neo- liberalism for me.

Gregory Palast: Yeah neo-liberalism, like new liberalism well it's very odd because what we think of as liberal is bleeding heart, concerned about the rest of the planet, about social and environmental issues, progressive and positive. Where as the term as it has been seized upon by the right wing, liberalism, liberalization, reform, all these new things are now related to selling off public property, privatizing and eliminating protections for the environment and consumers etc. So when they talk about reform they talk about smashing unions, eliminating state pensions, selling off state owned water systems. Neo- liberalism or new liberalism is Milton Freidman, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and it's all about selling off public systems, eliminating controls on business, in what they call liberalization. Liberalization means removing barriers, well its just like removing the guard rails and speed limit signs on the highway and needless to say there are a lot of dead bodies on the side of globalization highway.
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thanks to wood s lot