
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  July 24  2002    01: 07 AM

Life can be so hard living on an island in Puget Sound

It was a busy day putting together the archive for Monday's TestingTesting and putting out customer's fires. And it was *hot* today — 87 degrees. Now, Mr. Vreeland and Mr. Jensen might scoff mightily and call me a heat wimp — they would be correct. I just am not comfortable unless it is overcast and raining. But sometimes you just have to make do.

My LOML, Zoe, has a little 19 foot boat that we finally put in the water last week. Instead of mooring it at Oak Harbor, a 40 minute drive, she was able to rent dock space at Lagoon Point, just 5 minutes away. She chronicled our adventures in launching in this little slide show (registration required).

One way to beat the heat is to get out on the water.

This was the first time out this year. It ran a little rough at first but shortly was running on a plane.

The Olympics were beautiful, as always. It's about a 20 minute ride over to Port Townsend from Lagoon Point. Some other day.

We came in as the sun was getting low. Tied it up and hosed it down. We were much cooler.