
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  August 29  2002    12: 47 AM


I lived in traffic (Seattle) until a little over four years ago. Now I work from my home on Honeymoon Lake. My commute, from where I sleep to the computer, is approximately 10 feet. I enjoy listening to the traffic reports. I did my share to reduce traffic but it doesn't look good.

Can anyone solve the problem of traffic?

Since 1970, the population of the United States has grown by forty per cent, while the number of registered vehicles has increased by nearly a hundred per cent—in other words, cars have proliferated more than twice as fast as people have. During this same period, road capacity increased by six per cent. If these trends continue through 2020, every day will resemble a getaway day, with its mixture of commuters, truckers, and recreational drivers, who take to the road without regard for traditional peak travel times, producing congestion all day long: trucks that can't make deliveries on time, people who can't get to or from work, air quality that continues to deteriorate as commerce suffers and our over-all geopolitical position weakens because we are forced to become ever more dependent on foreign oil. This is the way the world ends: not with a bang but a traffic jam. [read more]

thanks to This Modern World