
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  September 29  2002    05: 19 PM

More Lettrisme

The links I posted below on Lettrisme made a big impresion on me.

I am running Windows 2000 but not it's interface. I use Winstep's NextStart and WorkShelf. They're based on the NeXT GUI and work very well for me. They just sit on top of Windows and are skinned. I wanted to change the trash can graphic and started playing around with the Lettrisme idea. I made the full and empty trash cans out of letters. Then I attacked the clock face using numerals, lower case "o"s, and periods. The clock and trash can graphics float on the desktop when you open the program and task launcher dock and can be arranged where you want. Winstep inserts the clock hands and date. You can control their placement relative to the clock graphic as well as the font for the date. Here are a couple of screen shots of the clock and trash can together — one empty and one full. I think I will call this piece Regulator.

You can waste the good part of a day on things like this.