
Weblog Archives

  Friday  October 11  2002    12: 26 AM


When an engineer flaps his wings

Remember that saying from chaos theory about how when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can cause a hurricane a month later halfway around the world? As several people have already noted, Google has made some major changes in their most recent update. The weblogging community was hit hard (for instance, I used to be the #1 "mark"; I am now #6). The changes appear to be the result of an attempt to stop two phenomena: explicitly selling ads based on PageRank, and Google bombing. [read more]

thanks to enthusiasm

I've gone from being the #8 gordon to #47. My feelings of inadequacy are inversely proportional to my Google ranking. Not to mention that all the money I've been raking in with that high ranking has evaporated. Fame and fortune are so fickle.