
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  October 13  2002    01: 00 PM


This one of those things that can appear very dry but is of utmost importance to those that create. Creation does not happen in a vaccum. Everything we create, whether it is a painting, a pop song, or a blog, is built on what others before us have done — it is based on what is in the public domain. The corporations have been trying to eliminate the public domain. Larry Lessig is on the forefront of reclaiming that public domain. Last week he took his case to the United States Supreme Court. This is his take on what happened.

from the front line

So there's an extraordinary (and extraordinarily interesting) range of reporting about the argument before the Court. As I was on the front line, let me add a bit more. My hope in doing this is to put this in a bit of context, and to highlight at least what we should be looking for. (EV predicts a 6-3 victory, which is significant, because he and I have a bet, and he took the other side.)

Aaron reports Brewster's statement to him that "it was a dance for which I don't know the steps." That's close. I think the better analogy for someone viewing an oral argument for the first time is the first time you see a cricket match. There are some moves you are certain you know are bad (a swing and a miss); but there's lots that plays into something you can't quite get till you know the context of the game. Here, then, the context of the game, as well as the moves from last Wednesday. [read more]

thanks to JOHO the blog