
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  November 30  2002    06: 07 PM


Government is told: expansion of airports must be halted now

Aircraft pollution will be such a big contributor to global warming that expansion of Britain's airport capacity should be halted for good, the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution said yesterday.

No new airports, terminals or runways should be built, members of the commission said, to cut the soaring demand for flights and the damaging emissions of greenhouse gases they bring with them. They recognised that such action action would push up fares.

Aircraft exhaust emissions are particularly harmful in terms of global warming, the report says, because they go directly into the atmosphere at a high level and contain oxides of nitrogen and fine particles as well as carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas.

New pollution rules overpower California
U.S. laws jeopardize state's air standards

New air pollution regulations issued by the Bush administration undermine an important tenet of national environmental laws: the rights of states to adopt stricter controls than the federal government, environmental lawyers and California officials say.

This part of the new regulations portends an ominous shift in federal policy that could threaten scores of unique environmental measures adopted by California in areas from air quality to pesticides to drinking water, they say.

Whatever happened to the Republican's support of State's rights? Or was that Corporate rights? I'm confused.