
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  November 30  2002    06: 38 PM

masonic pranks

The 1930 DeMoulin Bros. & Co.
Fraternal Supply Catalog No. 439

We believe that this was the last catalog the DeMoulin Bros. produced, as this company suffered the same fate that many businesses did with the onset of the Great Depression. In the broken economy of the 1930's, the items this company produced and sold were not considered a high priority on the "need or necessity" list of many Lodges. Yet, the side degree specialties that they sold were the very items that increased Lodge membership, their donations to charities and interest in "Lodge Life" itself. If there was ever a more useful tool for Masonic Renewal than this catalog is it! Every Lodge should have a "Side-Degree Night" on a separate evening prior to the night when the Entered Apprentice Degree is conferred. These side degrees added to the "degree of laughter" early Lodge Brethren engaged in when initiating new members!


thanks to boingboing