Casualty Statistics 29 September 2000 - 8 December 2002
Palestinians: 1,926 deaths and 21,240 injuries in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Subtotal since March 29, 2002 invasion (termed by Israel as "Operation Defensive Shield") is 669 deaths and 2,687 injuries. These figures are likely underestimates due to PRCS inability to access many areas and the many people who 'disappeared' during Israel's invasion of Jenin Refugee Camp.
Israelis: 691 deaths and 4,908 injuries. Death stats to 10 October, injury stats to 28 November 2002. [more]
It's a little hard to make sense of the numbers so I made a couple of quick and dirty pie charts to better show what the numbers are saying.

Moral Equivalence Redux by Aron Trauring
Joy to the World and Hell in Bethlehem
Bethlehem remains under siege and celebrations there consist of home demolitions and confiscation of Palestinian property by the State of Israel. And because all Palestinians and their supporters are “enemies of the State”, house arrests dubbed “curfews” continue. These illegal and brutal practices are not, however, limited to the Christian and Muslim residents of Bethlehem. [more] |