
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  January 5  2003    10: 51 PM

health care

Frist's loyalty is to health care industry, not patients

Capitol Hill's well-heeled lobbyists and political cognoscenti have proclaimed that with a doctor in charge of the U.S. Senate, health care reform is imminent. Unfortunately for the public, the doctor running the house, Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), typifies the GOP government's new health care strategy: Care most about the health of corporations that elect you.

Why a Centrist (No Fooling) Wants Universal Insurance

SOMETIMES, in the crush of news, seemingly minor things that later prove significant are overlooked.

That may have been the case last fall when Senator John B. Breaux of Louisiana said he had changed his mind and was now calling for universal health care coverage because the American system of medical care "is collapsing around us."

  thanks to DANGEROUSMETA!