
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  February 4  2003    03: 31 AM


War Two Weeks After Haj: Pentagon Source

The US will go to war against Iraq two weeks after Haj, which is scheduled to end Feb. 13, a former deputy secretary at the US Defense Department told the Saudi Arab News yesterday.

“During this massive air attack, the last thing you want is cluttered airspace,” a former deputy secretary at the Defense Department told the daily newspaper.

Bush's Messiah Complex

A picture emerges from the President's public statements--and even from such adulatory accounts as Bob Woodward's Bush at War and David Frum's The Right Man--of a President on a divine mission.

Call it messianic militarism.

Saddam's Arab 'brothers' desert Iraq
Their chronic disunity, backstabbing and petty tribalism is once more on display
by Eric Margolis

Never has the old maxim "hang together or be hanged separately" been more fitting than for the Arab states now quailing before U.S. President George W. Bush's evangelical crusade against Iraq.

  thanks to Mother Jones