
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  February 11  2003    12: 47 AM

Patriot Act Redux

The Police State Enhancement Act of 2003
Bush Administration begins work on secretive sequel to the USA PATRIOT Act

Last Friday night, PBS's "Bill Moyers: Now" program aired a report on a leak, to a D.C. nonpartisan, public service journalism nonprofit called the Center for Public Integrity (CPI), of a closely held Justice Department secret: the draft language of proposed legislation that would update and sharply expand 2001's USA PATRIOT Act.

It is one of the most horrifying documents ever to come out of a city and a government numbed to horrifying documents. Every American should read it, and get angry. While it's still not a crime to do so.

I am an American, and I Want to be Free

This past Saturday Warblogging published a summary of some of the many incredibly negative effects of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, which has been dubbed "PATRIOT Act II" or, as I prefer to call it, "PATRIOT Act Redux". That post was based on a preliminary reading of DSEA-03, and I have since had opportunity to read even more of the proposed law, especially since it has been translated into HTML by the folks over at Daily Rotten.