
Weblog Archives

  Friday  February 14  2003    01: 13 AM

tort reform

Target: Juries
The Real Aim Of Medical Malpractice 'Reform'

Have you checked your auto, homeowners, or business insurance premiums lately? They’re way up. Why? Because insurance companies, which like to gamble in the stock and bond markets, have taken a drubbing. They’re trying to recoup by boosting premiums.

Insurers have jacked up medical malpractice insurance rates, too. Doctors are howling. In headline-grabbing strikes across the nation, they proclaim they can’t practice medicine without affordable insurance. True enough.

But instead of fingering the real culprits -- insurance companies -- doctors and the American Medical Association have joined insurers in blaming injured patients who file supposedly "frivolous" lawsuits and jurors they say are eager to make huge malpractice awards.

Their solution -- limiting the discretion of jurors by capping jury awards, so- called "tort reform" -- is as fraudulent as the manufactured crisis it’s supposed to address.

  thanks to Altercation

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