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  Saturday  February 15  2003    01: 42 AM


Seduced by paint

In 1562 the artist and biographer giorgio Vasari visited Titian (c1487-1576) in his studio in Venice. Moved but also, it seems, disconcerted by the wildness of the artist's mature style, Vasari concluded that Titian had invented a new form of art 'made up of bold strokes and blobs, beautiful and astonishing because it makes paintings seem alive'.

By the time of Vasari's visit, Titian had spent a lifetime creating pictures, in the process transforming more or less every type of painting known in his time: the portrait, the nude, the landscape, the altarpiece, the mythological scene.


This is the first major exhibition in Britain devoted to the work of the 16th-century artist Titian. Few individuals have had a greater influence on the development of Western painting and this show includes some of his most famous paintings, for example, 'Flora' from the Uffizi and 'Danaë' from Naples.


  both thanks to dublog