
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  February 16  2003    01: 39 PM

freedom of religion — not!

Union schools hit with religion-related lawsuit
Action claims student was beaten, harassed for being different

India Tracy came to expect being sent to the principal's office even though she was a well-behaved, straight-A student.

But the Union County youngster knew she'd probably be the only student with "no" written on the permission slip to attend a tent revival during school hours. When she declined to portray Mary in a Christmas play, she also was sent to the principal's office.

India and her parents, Greg and Sarajane Tracy, allege other students taunted her, beat her and ridiculed her religion for years. Fed up with the treatment, her parents filed a federal lawsuit on her behalf Thursday.

The lawsuit claims the Union County school system violated India's civil rights by promoting and endorsing religious activities, denied her right to freely exercise her religion and failed to protect her from harassment and physical and verbal abuse.

It's shit like this that, as an unbeliever, makes me very nervous when our fearful leaders invoke god in their rush to a theocracy.

  thanks to Eschaton