
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  March 5  2003    04: 25 AM

our fearful leader

The Temple of George W. Bush

While not normally a person of strong religious or political conviction, recent events have opened my eyes to those spheres and to the recent confluence of them.

Our Dear Leader is officially described (with becoming modesty) as a man of simple piety and moral clarity. It is with this simple pious clarity that our Dear Leader has inextricably committed America's most valuable and irreplaceable assets -- its very lives, treasury, credibility, goodwill, moral leadership, and alliances -- to the elimination of Saddam Hussein, an inhuman Cyclops who is officially described as being a million, billion times worse than Hitler. Hitler was at least elected in a fair democratic process, Saddam cannot even claim that simple distinction which is necessary for legitimate governance over a free people.

The essential meaning of these developments escaped me until this last week, when, after an unusual lapse in my household hygene, I was blessed to receive the following image in the interior of my water closet:
