
Weblog Archives

  Friday  March 14  2003    12: 09 AM

you mean that corporations don't pay their fair share? say it isn't so!
by Arianna Huffington

Tax havens: Are you with us or against us?
It is a time to sacrifice -- or grab a Bermuda address

Galvanized by this growing army for peace, many of the leaders of the antiwar movement are now searching for ways to build on the renewed commitment to dissent and direct the newly mobilized energy toward protesting the president's equally misguided policies here at home.

And no issue is more emblematic of this administration's perverted domestic priorities than its scandalous refusal, in a time of soaring deficits, to stop corporations and wealthy individuals from cheating the public out of billions of dollars every year by either reincorporating offshore or simply hiding their profits in offshore subsidiaries. While our young men and women are ready to lay down their lives on the sands of Iraq, these companies are allowed to avoid paying their fair share by hightailing it to the sands of Bermuda.