
Weblog Archives

  Monday  March 17  2003    01: 40 AM


English Sans French

The Franco-American dispute falling out over the best approach way to disarming Iraq take away Iraq's weapons has resulted in perhaps the highest level of anti-French feeling in the United States Lands since 1763.

  thanks to DANGEROUSMETA!

In a Word: Bemused

Fairly representative is an op-ed piece from Le Monde, France's top newspaper. It asseses Fox News, and the tone is one of mild amusement and not a little disdain. (...)

Every evening, more than a million Americans watch Fox News, the cable channel that dethroned CNN (available in France on TPS). It is the favorite channel of American conservatives, the one who says "we" ("our soldiers ", " our forces ", " our troops ") and likes lambasting Frenchmen. I spent a good part of the afternoon and all evening Wednesday watching Fox News. It is a trying experience, because whatever the subject, the presenters give the impression of commenting on a particularly tight horse race. They all have an overexcited tone. The viewer has no chance of dozing off, due to a spirited amosphere marked by rapid sequences.

Every 15 minutes, we also get world weather bulletins. A moment of respite? No way! The temperature chart is accompanied with thundering music, always the same, which could be used to mark the entry of a line of deaf circus elephants. For the inattentive, banners summarize the current broadcast.

  thanks to CalPundit