
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  March 18  2003    11: 00 PM


What a strange time. Last night's TestingTesting started 2 hours after Bush's call to war. Everyone had that on their mind during the show. It was a good show and Scott Marrs has gotten better since we saw him last. (Listen to the archive of the show.)

Scott, Jan, Joanne, Steve, Lissa, Gordy, and Derek (front)

When the show was over everyone started to sing Where Have all the Flowers Gone. The room was full of the song and the anger and the frustration from the insanity pouring from the White House. Everyone stayed later after the show than they usually do. It was a time of being with good friends when the world is turning to shit. Lots of playing, talking, and hugs. What can you say? Everything is sucking, big time.