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  Wednesday  March 26  2003    02: 55 AM

who's out of compliance with un resolutions?

Defying the Security Council
Is Iraq the only country in the world alleged to be out of compliance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions, and if so, what other countries are out of compliance and what actions are being taken to force them to comply?

One authoritative study shows at least 88 UN Security Council resolutions are currently being ignored by a dozen countries. There are a handful of principal offenders – Israel, Morocco, Turkey, Indonesia and Armenia.

And there is a common factor, according to Stephen Zunes of the University of San Francisco's Department of Politics.

"These have been allies of the United States and the non-enforcement has been a direct consequence of the U.S. support for these governments," Zunes says. "So I would argue that the United States probably more than any single country has compromised the credibility of the Security Council and has been doing so for quite a few years."

Most of the 88 resolutions pertain to occupation

Israel's occupation of east Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.
Morocco's occupation of western Sahara.
Turkey's invasion of Cyprus.
Indonesia's predations in East Timor.
Armenia's actions in Azerbaijan.


  thanks to wood s lot