
Weblog Archives

  Monday  April 7  2003    10: 44 AM


A Magazine for Art, Photography, Literature

ram • i • fi • ca • tion n. 1. The act of branching out or dividing into branches. 2. A branch or other subordinate part extending from a main body. 3. An arrangement of branches or branching parts. syn. divergence, outgrowth, consequence, development, complication, technicality, subtlety. TheScreamOnline has branched out significantly since its June 2001 premier issue, embracing such subjects as the Chelyabinsk-40 plutonium site in Russia; the images of U.N. photographer John Isaac; the wrenching Holocaust poetry of John Guzlowski; Jim Perry’s discovery of slave traders in his family; a generous array of art featuring the talents of painters, illustrators, sculptors, and one digital artist; and topics so strange and bizarre that they could come from nowhere else in the animal kingdom but Homo Sapiens: a house of cheese, hats of meat, Naked News, and the unfortunate meeting of a bird and a 97-mile-per-hour baseball (click on the Past Issues button at the upper left to see all articles).

Mt. Wilson Tower Cam

The Towercam Unit is mounted on the east side of the UCLA 150-Foot Solar Tower, at Mount Wilson Observatory. The base of this telescope is at an elevation of 5672 feet above mean sea level, and the towercam itself is mounted on a rail 150 feet above that. Typically, the towercam points towards the 100-inch telescope dome at an azimuth of 45 degrees east of true north.


  thanks to MetaFilter