
Weblog Archives

  Friday  April 11  2003    12: 41 PM

a transportation problem

The Bus

The analogy of my nation as a bus keeps coming to me, as if in a dream.

It's a big fancy bus, and it drives through some of the poorest sections of town. When it does, it splashes pedestrians, runs stop signs, sideswipes parked cars. The   passengers are a mixed bag, but the most vocal and aggressive ones seem to think they speak for everyone on the bus.

A while back, the passengers voted for a new driver, but some of the big tough guys stood in the front of the bus and collectively told the rest of the passengers that the vote was so close, that they were going to put their own driver in, and we should all get over it. Then we started driving through the poor neighborhoods even faster, running over kids' pets, while the driver and the tough guys hooted and gave the bird to the folks scrambling to get out of the way.  