
Weblog Archives

  Friday  April 18  2003    01: 20 AM


Hawks recycle arguments for Iraq war against Syria

The talk over war with Syria increasingly resembles a spring rerun of the debate over war with Iraq, with virtually the same cast of characters and plot.

Neoconservative Richard Perle, a leading hawk in the Iraq debate, yesterday called for Congress to pass a "Syrian Liberation Act" modeled on the 1998 law that made regime change in Baghdad official U.S. policy.

  thanks to American Samizdat

Chemical weapons program is no secret
Large and advanced: Sarin, mustard, VX and the means to deliver them

Rattled by U.S. accusations it is harbouring refugees from Saddam Hussein's government, sponsoring terrorism and building weapons of mass destruction, Syria insists it has nothing to hide.

Syria is thought to have the largest and best-developed chemical-weapons program in the Middle East, with hundreds of tonnes of stocks. In an unclassified report to the U.S. Congress, the Central Intelligence Agency said Syria has stockpiles of the nerve agent sarin, as well as mustard gas and VX nerve gas.

  thanks to Liberal Arts Mafia

Three cheers for complexity. The Voice of America confirms what I posted Tuesday: Not only has Syria been torturing Al Qaida members on the U.S.'s behalf, it's also been helping the "war on terror" in other ways: