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  Tuesday  May 6  2003    10: 16 AM

mollusk art

Prodromus in Systema Historicum Testaceorum
Joachim Johann Nepomuk Anton Spalowsky (1752-17 May 1797) was a veritable polymath in the Austrian Empire of the late eighteenth century. Few biographical data are available on him (Anonymous, 1798), but he was presumably of Polish Silesian ancestry, being born in Reichenberg [currently Liberec, Czech Republic], and he was a surgeon attached to the civic regiments of Vienna. (...)

His erudition is evidenced by the range of his publications. His 1777 inaugural dissertation treated poisonous plants (e.g. hemlock, monk's hood) and related topics. In addition to the Prodromus in Systema Historicum Testaceorum (1795) he authored works on such diverse topics as birds, mammals and even a disquisition on economics and numismatics, a further sign of his scholarly breadth.


  thanks to Giornale Nuovo