
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  August 13  2003    11: 17 AM

fair and balanced

So, what is it with this "fair and balanced" meme that is sweeping blogopolis?

To Fox, 'Fair and Balanced' Doesn't Describe Al Franken

In the dry corner of business law called trademark litigation, Fox v. Franken is an unusually lively document. Along with mundane accusations of unfair competition, the lawsuit includes some especially derisive remarks about the defendant, Al Franken, the political satirist.

The court papers were filed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan and became public yesterday. In the lawsuit, a judge is being asked to decide an important question: who has the right to use the word "fair" and the word "balanced" together, connected by the word "and"?

Lawyers for Fox News Network, part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, News Corporation, contend that Mr. Franken should not be allowed to use those words in the title of his new book due in stores next month, "Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" (Penguin).

They argue that Fox has trademarked "Fair and Balanced" to describe its news coverage and that Mr. Franken's use of the phrase would "blur and tarnish" it.

"Franken is neither a journalist nor a television news personality," according to the complaint. "He is not a well-respected voice in American politics; rather, he appears to be shrill and unstable. His views lack any serious depth or insight."

  thanks to Drudge Report

Hmmmm. I would have used the same words to describe Faux News. When did serious depth and insight ever happen at Faux?

Fair and Balanced Friday

Neal Pollack has given the Fair and Balanced Blogger Army a call to arms. Friday is Fair and Balanced Day. It shall be our solemn duty...nay, our solemn Fair and Balanced Duty, to use the phrase Fair and Balanced in as many Fair and Balanced ways as we can. Preferably while mocking the shit out of the Fair and Balanced Fox News Network in as many viciously funny ways as we can think of.

  thanks to Whiskey Bar