
Weblog Archives

  Friday  August 29  2003    11: 15 AM


Mother Jones has a series on what a fine job our environmental president is doing.

Dirty Secrets
No president has gone after the nation's environmental laws with the same fury as George W. Bush -- and none has been so adept at staying under the radar.

Down Upon the Suwannee River
It was only a small environmental rule change by Bush's EPA. But it's threatening Florida's Suwannee River -- and the nation's wetlands.

No Clear Skies
In a Texas oil town, the assault on the nation's clean-air laws has hit close to home.

Behind the Curtain
This assault on environmental laws is being carried out by Bush appointees with strong ties to the very industries they are supposed to regulate.

The Bottom Line

The true nature of the Bush administration's environmental agenda can be seen in the basic numbers.

Tons of additional air pollutants permitted to be released by 2020 under Bush's "Clear Skies" plan:
42 million

Estimated number of premature deaths that will result:

Estimated amount that Clear Skies-related health problems will cost taxpayers, per year:
$115 billion
