
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  September 11  2003    09: 11 AM


Here is a picture and comment I posted two years ago...

I'd have to say that it's worse than it appears.

The events of the past two years have made that into an understatement. It's time to reflect on those that died on this day, two years ago. The 2,792 who died at the World Trade Center. The 125 dead at the Pentagon, as well as those aboard those airplanes of death. It's also time to reflect on the deaths that have happened between then and now. Over 3,000 died in the US bombardment of Afghanistan. Over 7,000 died in Iraq. There are the 342 coalition soldiers that have died in Iraq. There are the tens of thousands of wounded with arms, legs, and lives destroyed. The number of dead continue to rise every day. And don't forget the deaths, in Afghanistan and Iraq, from depleted uranium that will continue for years. There is also the death of institutions. Our Consitution and Bill of Rights are dead. Our Judicial system is mortally wounded. Our economy is dying.

And what do we have to show for this death and destruction? Has Osama been captured? Has Saddam been captured? Has terrorism dimished? Is there democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq? Is there democracy in America? No. There is only the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer — or dead.