
Weblog Archives

  Monday  October 6  2003    10: 15 AM

the capped crusader

The Guardian has some excerpts from Michael Moore's new book Dude, Where's My Country?.

How to talk to your conservative brother-in-law
There are a lot of fair-minded, pretty decent Republicans out there, believes Michael Moore - approach them in the right way, and they're ripe for conversion. He tells how in the first of our extracts from his brilliant new book, Dude, where's my country?

You know the scene all too well. Thanksgiving dinner. The family has gathered around the table to share good times and a hearty meal. The cranberries are ripe, the bird is plump, and that brother-in-law of yours is at it again. "The Bush tax cut is going to put this country back on the road to prosperity!" The room goes uncomfortably silent and somebody tries to change the subject. The brother-in-law continues. He goes through the familiar litany: "too many deadbeats are on welfare"; "affirmative action is reverse discrimination"; "they should build more prisons and throw away the key". Finally, your cousin Lydia has heard enough and calls him a "racist" and a "dick". Suddenly Grandma's special dilled mashed potatoes are flying across the table like an American missile on a sunny morning in residential Baghdad.

How to talk to your conservative brother-in-law (part two)

Answers please, Mr Bush
Michael Moore fired his opening salvo against George Bush and his rightwing cronies with his bestseller Stupid White Men. Now the president is in his sights again. In this second extract from his new book he asks his old enemy seven awkward questions

I have seven questions for you, Mr Bush. I ask them on behalf of the 3,000 who died that September day, and I ask them on behalf of the American people. We seek no revenge against you. We want only to know what happened, and what can be done to bring the murderers to justice, so we can prevent any future attacks on our citizens.

3. Who attacked the US on September 11 - a guy on dialysis from a cave in Afghanistan, or your friend, Saudi Arabia?

I'm sorry, Mr Bush, but something doesn't make sense.

You got us all repeating by rote that it was Osama bin Laden who was responsible for the attack on the United States on September 11. Even I was doing it. But then I started hearing strange stories about Osama's kidneys. Suddenly, I don't know who or what to trust. How could a guy sitting in a cave in Afghanistan, hooked up to dialysis, have directed and overseen the actions of 19 terrorists for two years in the US then plotted so perfectly the hijacking of four planes and then guaranteed that three of them would end up precisely on their targets? How did he organise, communicate, control and supervise this kind of massive attack? With two cans and a string?

If I sell another website this week I will probably buy this book at that time. So, if anyone wants to buy me a book, your time is running short. If you don't buy a book for me, get one for yourself. You could also get one for your conservative brother-in-law. I'm sure he would enjoy it.