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  Saturday  January 3  2004    12: 05 PM


Afghan Talks Adjourn, Deeply Divided on Ethnic Lines


Editors Note: As the spotlight continues to focus on Iraq, control continues to unravel in Afghanistan. Throughout the country, regional warlords are readying their armies for another bloody civil war, similar to the events that led to the rise of the Taliban. When the Grand Council broke down into 10 committees focusing on different parts of the constitution, all 10 committees were chaired by the Muhajadeen, a recipe for failure. Judging by the following story, the failures continue. -ad

The constitutional grand council adjourned in disarray Thursday, leaving the entire process of drawing up a new constitution badly damaged.

The crisis has revealed a bitter struggle between the leaders of the country, with President Hamid Karzai and his Pashtun kinsmen on one side, and on the other the Islamist leaders and ethnic minorities of the north, who are seeking to preserve some of their wartime power.
