
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  January 13  2004    12: 11 AM

slow blogging

Slow blogging usually means that life outside of blogging is getting a little intense. No more so then following the paramedics up to Whidbey General Hospital with Zoe inside the ambulance late Sunday night. Up all night in the emergency room. Her abdominal pain was much worse than usual. Basically the pain meds for her chronic abdominal pain had reduced the motility of her bowels and she had illeus, a bowl blockage. The solution involved a plastic tube down her nose into her stomach to quiet things down. That is not a pleasant thing. I will take Zoe's word on that one. We got home around 5pm Monday night. Zoe is doing much better. We have some sleep to catch up on. Just time for one post. I sure do hope regular programming can return soon.