
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  January 21  2004    01: 53 AM


In 1968 I bought a Honda CB450 "Black Bomber". It was a pretty hot little bike. And then came the 1969 Honda CB750 and everything changed. It was a truly legendary motorcycle. It was stunning in 1969. Now there is a guy that is building "new" 1969 CB750s from NOS (New Old Stock) parts. The 1969 CB750 is still stunning. And I still want one. At almost $20,000, I'm afraid I won't be getting one this time, either.

Mr. CB750
World Motorcycles boss Vic World promised to assemble a new and genuine 1969 Honda CB750 K0 in front of the cameras--and in a day. How could we resist?


It's really not the sort of offer you turn down. The idea of watching a brand-new Honda CB750 take shape within 24 hours is enough to drag me out of bed--and photographer James Brown 500 miles from Los Angeles--to World's well-camouflaged Northern California industrial-park shop to see what's what.

Monday, 2:00 p.m. Once World has opened the shop's triple-security locks, we wander inside, looking for the six-foot-high toolboxes. Instead, World points out a Kennedy Jr. foldout box and two slim wallets of Snap-on wrenches. "They're always surprised not to see big toolboxes," he says. We're shocked and trying not to show it. To Mr. World, tool money is better spent on genuine CB750 parts, and he loves buying 1969 CB750 parts.


World Motorcycles


World Motorcycles is a company that specializes solely in the restoration of sandcast Honda CB750’s


You meet the nicest people on a Honda.