
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday  February 17  2004    03: 13 AM


You never can tell where you might end up when you start following links. I saw an interesting post in the Cosina-Voigtlander User Group and followed it to the sight of the poster — John Sypal's studio valerian. He had several links to one of his big influences — Gary Winogrand. I've known about Winogrand but not read or looked at a lot of his stuff. I looked for other links. Wow!

Gary Winogrand

American Legion Convention,
Dallas, Texas


Coffee and Workprints: A Workshop With Garry Winogrand
Two weeks with a master of street photography that changed my life


By Wednesday, the students were getting restless. We had a gripe session with the program director; several students were ready to drop out. The direcor confided that Winogrand doesn't make learning easy; be patient, he earged, it's worth it. If we weren't satisfied by the weekend, he'd give us a refund.

Back to class. After an hour or so of Winogrand's interminable jokes and more coffee, the whole exercise seemed futile. Suddenly, almost in exasperation, he said, "Aww, let's go out and take some pictures."

That's when the class started.


An Interview with Garry Winogrand

Here is a little biography of Winogrand...

Garry Winogrand (1928-84)

Links to Winogrand images...

Garry Winogrand
[American Photographer, 1928-1984]

Garry Winogrand's Leica M4

This camera is a one of a kind in the entire universe. It is the last M4 owned by famous Leica photographer Garry Winogrand.
